Hesed is a Hebrew word that represents God's covenant faithfulness on which our family thrives.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Why aren't there any birds at the feeder this morning?
Abby is a good cat-look at the way she lets Amelia carry her!  And today Amelia gave Abby a "bath" in the bathroom sink.  Abby came in the other day sneezing and for the entire day whenever any of us would see her she was sniffling and sneezing-I avoided her thinking-"I'm not catching that crazy cat cold."  Well, by late afternoon Amelia announced that she knew what was wrong with Abby-that she had a piece of grass in her nose, to which Daviid and I said "ok" and were thinking "yeah right." (being the very loving parents that we are :))  After we put Amelia to bed for the night, I finally got the nerve to expose myself to feline flu and picked Abby up to investigate, and sure enough there was a piece of grass sticking out of her nose.  As I pulled at it-she reacted protectively and I realized that this was no small piece of grass.  Better prepared, I grabbed the grass and pulled and out came a 3-inch blade of grass!  That grass must have been wound all around in her little sinus cavity-it was crazy.  Amelia was right, Abby's feline flu free, and yes cats do need people to take care of them.

1 comment:

  1. How humbling for Abby.
    Amelia may have a future as a DVM.
