Hesed is a Hebrew word that represents God's covenant faithfulness on which our family thrives.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

David's Church Birthday Party

Instead of our normal Wednesday Night activities this week the church gave me a special 30th birthday party.  You must check out the song!
This is what happens when your mom posts pictures of you on Facebook

David talking with Nathan... cool birthday banner in the background

Judah enjoying some cake.

A putting green for the toilet... what every Pastor needs.

Yoda vs. Crayfish

Yesterday I made two discoveries in my drive way.  The first was a gift from our cat, Abby.  I did not realize this but there are crayfish that live on the property next to us.  And I thought that standing water was only good for breeding monster mosquitos.
The second discovery was a tiny Yoda toy that had washed into a crack in the drive way.  The crayfish and Yoda had to battle each other for the honor of the coolest find.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Why aren't there any birds at the feeder this morning?
Abby is a good cat-look at the way she lets Amelia carry her!  And today Amelia gave Abby a "bath" in the bathroom sink.  Abby came in the other day sneezing and for the entire day whenever any of us would see her she was sniffling and sneezing-I avoided her thinking-"I'm not catching that crazy cat cold."  Well, by late afternoon Amelia announced that she knew what was wrong with Abby-that she had a piece of grass in her nose, to which Daviid and I said "ok" and were thinking "yeah right." (being the very loving parents that we are :))  After we put Amelia to bed for the night, I finally got the nerve to expose myself to feline flu and picked Abby up to investigate, and sure enough there was a piece of grass sticking out of her nose.  As I pulled at it-she reacted protectively and I realized that this was no small piece of grass.  Better prepared, I grabbed the grass and pulled and out came a 3-inch blade of grass!  That grass must have been wound all around in her little sinus cavity-it was crazy.  Amelia was right, Abby's feline flu free, and yes cats do need people to take care of them.