David couldn't decide what to wear to the birth, but he eventually opted for this stylish onesie! |
My biggest baby so far! |
We came in on the 27th for an induction after a week of false labor that had production no signs of true labor and had worn our family out. After hours of potosin(I'm not sure how to spell that drug) and contractions I was no further along in the process, there was even the possibility that I would have to go home and wait. The doctor broke my water and within an hour I was having contractions that were bringing about true labor. That was when I asked for medicine for the pain and when the nurse checked to see how far along I was, she said, "that's not a head." Annalise was hand first and that meant that a c-section and a stopping of labor were in order. I set a record for 2 hours in the OR, most of which was spent getting my body numb, as the 2 spinals that were performed did not have the normal effect. It was quite the moment of joy and relief when they held up our chubby baby girl and she checked out with a 9 APGAR score. This was definitely a different experience for us all, but the hospital and staff were great, we received an amazing gift in Annalise, and the Father blessed us with His presence through the whole adventure. Praise the Lord!